
400-0367-005 14
Example 1:
Command = [ON1C8]
Feedback = (ON11110000…C08)
ON = Output status
11110000 = Output ON/OFF
Outputs 1-4 are on, 5-8 are
off, and 9-16 are not shown.
C08 = Card slot number
Example 2:
Command = [MODE=0C8]
Feedback = (MM0C08)
MM = Blocking mode
0 = Non-blocking
C08 = Card slot number
15. [STA0]
This command disables automatic feedback
from the card and front panel. The command
affects any card with auto-feedback capability,
not just the MT107-103. The default at power-on
or reset is STA0, OFF.
Command Format: [STA0]
16. [...F] FEEDBACK
After processing a command, an OK or
[ERR001] will be returned as feedback if "F" is
included at the end of a command string.
Send command with AFB on and without “F”:
[I1O*C8] [ ]
Send command with AFB off and without “F”:
Send command with AFB on and with “F”:
[I1O*C8F] OK
Send command with AFB off and with “F”:
[I1O*C8F] OK
The matrix setup commands define the size and
configuration of a matrix. Several matrices can be
defined for a single engine, although only one is
typically used.
17. [MAT]
This command sets the matrix configuration for
the matrix engine. The properties shown in
2-digit format MUST be entered in 2-digit
Command Format:
j = Matrix ID (j = # from 1 to 9)
mm = Inputs (2-digit # from 01-64)
zz = Outputs (2-digit # from 01-64)
xx = Input offset (2-digit # from 00-99)
yy = Output offset (2-digit # from 00-99
kk = Channel width (2-digit # from 01-32)
ll = Channel spacing (2-digit # from 00-31)
Cn = Engine card slot number
(The left-most slot number of the engine
card is the slot number to use.)
S = Save
This property saves the configuration to
memory, and allows the configuration to
be recalled any time, even after power-up
or reset.
Adding the “S” to the command will also
make the matrix configuration the default
at power-up. The last configuration ID
created and saved will be the default at
In order to change the power-up default
without having to redefine the settings,
see the command [MjCnS].