25. [CLR]
This command clears the members for a single
group or for all nine groups.
Command Format: [CLRGkUi]
Gk = group number (k = # from 1-9)
Ui = unit number (i = # from 0-9)
1) To clear group #1, send the [CLRG1U1]
command. This command clears the
members for the specified group only.
2) To clear all groups of unit 1, send the
[CLRG[U1] command.
26. [G]
This command is used to request group data.
With the command, the user can identify which
input or output of a particular group is on.
Command Format: [GkUi]
Gk = group number (k = # from 1-9)
Ui = unit number (i = # from 0-9)
In unit ID0, if group 1 has DA Cards with outputs
1 and 2 on, while group 2 has SW Cards with
input 2 on:
[G1]: will return feedback as ON12 G1U0.
[G2]: will return feedback as ON2 G2U0.
27. [RD]
This command displays the members in each
Command Format: [RDGkUi]
Gk = group number (k = # from 1-9)
Ui = unit number (i = # from 0-9)
member = C1 - C19 (card 1 to 19)
(1-8 for MT100-101 or 1-4 for MT100-106)
The cards in slots 1, 2 and 19 are part of group
5 in unit 1. Read the member data for group 5
of unit 1, by sending the command [RDG5U1].
The system will return feedback as follows:
C1C2C19 G5U1.
1) [VER] Receives software version
2) [Ci] Receives status of the card
3) [SIG] Signal present command
4) [CLR] Resets card to defaults
5) [ON] Select Input Source
6) [ + ] Increments and Decrements
[ - ] selected commands
7) [HPOS] Set the Horizontal Position
8) [HPOS] Horiz. Position Adjust/Status
9) [VPOS] Set the Vertical Position
10) [VPOS] Vert. Position Adjust/Status
11) [HSIZE] Set the Horizontal Size
12) [HSIZE] Horizontal Size Adjust/Status
13) [VSIZE] Set the Vertical Size
14) [VSIZE] Vertical Size Adjust/Size
15) [BRIG] Set Brightness level
16) [BRIG] Brightness Adjust/Status
17) [SHARP] Set Sharpness level
18) [SHARP] Sharpness Adjust/Status
19) [COLOR] Set Color value
20) [COLOR] Color Adjust/Status
21) [HUE] Set Hue value
22) [HUE] Hue Adjust/Status
23) [HELP] Display available commands
24) [WR] Group multiple cards
25) [CLR] Clear group configurations
26) [G] Request group data
27) [RD] Display group members