GR60/72 02/07 Maintenance Section 5-10
© 2007 Alamo Group Inc.
Right Angle Gearbox (Outboard) Assembly & Disassembly Procedures
Input Shaft Removal
1. Place Gearbox on appropriate work surface.
2. Remove Vent Plug (item #16) or Complete Top Cover (item #18).
3. Turn Gearbox upside down allowing Oil to drain from gearbox into catch pan for proper disposal.
4. Turn Gearbox right side up and drop bottom into a hole for support or lay it on its side laying flat.
5. Remove Bolts (item # 23) from front Bearing Cap (item # 24), this will allow front cover to be removed.
It may be required to drive a wedge between front cover and main housing to loosen cover.
6. Remove Input shaft (item #26) and Input Gear (item #27), Input Shaft should pull out with Gear and
Bearing Cones (item #12) still on it, Inner Bearing Cone may stay in Housing and Outer Bearing Cone
should come off with front Bearing cover.
7. Remove Inner Bearing Cone, Inner Spacer (item # 13), Outer Bearing Cone, Input Gear, Check now
for Shims (item # 29,30,31) always note quantity of Shims. Remove outer Spacer (item # 28) from
Input Shaft.
8. Remove Input Seal (item # 25), Bearing Cup (item #12) from front Cover and bearing Cup (item#12)
from back of Main Housing (Casing) (item # 1).
Output Shaft Removal
1. Remove Cotter Pin (item # 11) from Nut (item # 10) and Output Shaft (item # 8) this can be done by
reaching through opening in front of Main Housing.
2. Slide Output (Pinion) Gear (item # 9) up off of Output Shaft and out of Main Housing.
3. Output Shaft will come out of Main Housing through the bottom, If Output Seal is still in bottom of the
Main Housing use a Soft Metal (Brass or Aluminum) Pin to Drive Shaft down from the top, This will
drive Output Seal out at the same time.
4. Reach in from front or top of Main Housing and remove upper Output Shaft Bearing Cone (item # 12).
5. From the Bottom of Main Housing drive out top Bearing Cup (item # 12) and from the top drive out the
bottom Bearing Cup (item # 2).
Parts Inspection
1. Inspect and Clean all Parts. Check Bearings, Shafts, Gears, Housing and Covers. Shafts should be
inspected at Seal wear areas, Bearing areas, Splines, Threads and all surface areas. Check Housings
for cracks and condition of all holes that are threaded. Check Housing and covers where Seals drive in
for Burrs and scratches. If Bearing Cones are replaced always replace Cups with them. Gears should
not have and rough surfaces where the gears run together. On Main Housing remove any old Gasket
Sealer, Scratches, Wash and completely clean it.