PowerMonitor 1000 Unit 61
Rockwell Automation Publication 1408-IN001E-EN-P - September 2013
Related Functions
Energy metering
• Demand metering
• Voltage, current and frequency metering
• Power metering
Load Factor Log
The power monitor maintains a 12-month record of demand and load factor. Load factor is
average demand divided by peak demand and is a measure of load variability.
This function applies to catalog numbers 1408-EM2 and 1408-EM3.
Logged Parameters
The load factor log consists of 13 records, an in-process record for the current month, and one
record for the previous 12 months. The monthly records operate in a circular or FIFO fashion.
On a user-selected day each month, the current record is pushed into the monthly record stack
and cleared. Each record contains the following data:
• Real power demand, peak and average, kW
• Real power load factor, percent
• Reactive power demand, peak and average, kVAR
• Reactive power load factor in percent
• Apparent power demand, peak and average, kVA
• Apparent power load factor in percent
Load factor log records can be accessed only via communication.
Store and clear current Load Factor Record
• Clear Load Factor Log
Related Functions
Demand metering