y Row 2 of the MasterControl is not mapped.
y Vertical Zoom is not possible from the MasterControl.
y MasterControl’s ZOOM button cycles through three stages (as opposed to two on most other
DAWs): unlit, lit, and flashing. It will be lit when it is on and unlit when it is off. When the button is
flashing, no zoom functions are possible using the cursor buttons.
y Grouping and ungrouping faders must be done within the Digital Performer software. This cannot
be done from the MasterControl.
y This preset allows one-way control from the MasterControl to an Alesis HD24 or HD24XR.
y COMPUTER CONNECTION: This preset requires you to connect the MasterControl to a
computer via Firewire, as normal.
y MIDI CABLE CONNECTIONS: Using standard MIDI cables, connect the HD24’s MIDI OUT to the
MasterControl’s 5-pin MIDI IN. Connect the MasterControl’s 5-pin MIDI OUT to the HD24’s MIDI
y Use a MIDI utility application to route the MasterControl’s:
o control surface MIDI OUT data out of the 5-pin MIDI OUT port.
o 5-pin MIDI IN data to the control surface’s MIDI IN.
The following illustration shows this routing using the free Windows program MIDI-OX:
y Ensure that your MIDI utility application is set to pass SysEx information in both directions. If you
are using MIDI-OX, enable its Pass SysEx feature from the bottom of the Options pull-down menu.
y Ensure that you set the "Send MMC" parameter to "Yes" on the HD24's MIDI01 utility page.
y This preset allows you to use the transport controls and jog wheel with the HD24.
o The SELECT buttons exclusively record-arm any one of the HD24’s channels 1-
o The RECORD buttons exclusively record-arm any one HD24 channel 9-16.
o The SOLO buttons exclusively record-arm any one HD24 channel 17-24.
o The MUTE buttons record-arms pairs of channels (1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12,
13-14, or 15-16).
y The MasterControl’s SELECT/RECORD/SOLO/MUTE buttons and transport control buttons never
light. Additionally, the faders and knobs are not operational.
y Via this preset, the HD24 does not respond to disarm messages but rather only to a master
message setting the REC ARM status of all 24 tracks at once. So, for example, if you have record
enabled tracks 1-8 and you want to "disarm" tracks 1-4, issue a command to "REC ARM 5-8". That
will disarm all other tracks except for 5-8, including tracks 1-4. Press EDIT to choose various
options for the ASSIGNABLE buttons to arm and disarm multiple specific tracks.