
Deploy and Operate Your Mobile TV Service
sub-contractors required to make
your mobile TV service a reality.
And we have a variety of hosting
options that can make any mobile
TV deployment simple and efficient.
The World’s Leading
Network Integrator
Alcatel-Lucent has unmatched
expe ri ence and expertise in network
deploy ment and operation. As the
world’s leading network integrator,
Alcatel-Lucent supports more than
1,600 products from more than
290 vendors, has deliv ered over
30 solu tions that incor porate more
than 90 services, and man ages over
55 net works sup port ing more than
80 mil lion sub scribers. Furthermore,
Alcatel-Lucent has a recurrent net -
work management busi ness, with
over 100 enterprises worldwide.
Targeted analysis
and modeling
End-to-end integration
Network operations
and maintenance
Full implementation
Single point of accountability
Consistent proven delivery methodology for managing end-to-end complexity
Alcatel-Lucent’s experience with a
variety of mobile TV projects around
the world gives us the knowledge and
experience you need from a solution
partner to successfully deploy a mobile
TV service. We understand your oper -
ational constraints and the risks asso -
ciated with any new technology
deploy ment, so we have designed
our Unlimited Mobile TV solution
to minimize those risks.
Our solution approach gives you a full
range of network life-cycle support,
from conception and design, through
deployment and maintenance.
With more than 20,000 professionals
experienced in the delivery of inte -
grat ed end-to-end telecommunications
solutions worldwide, we know how
to manage the various partners and
Figure 4. Alcatel-Lucent Services: Full Range of Network Lifecycle Capabilities
Alcatel-Lucent Unlimited Mobile TV Solution