9Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router
Highly-Available Platforms
The Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router
portfolio benefits from Alcatel-Lucent’s
recognized experience in deliver ing carrier-
grade telephony, wireless, optical and data
solutions. The Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR
portfolio was designed to exceed the stringent
reliability demands of service providers,
with a hardware and software architecture
designed for maximum uptime.
The Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR is a fully
redundant platform with no single point of
failure, and implements a real-time, modular
operating system that has been proven and
production-hardened in more than 50 large-
scale deployments worldwide.
Rich, Dependable Services
The 7750 SR portfolio allows service
providers to deploy and scale a rich set of
high-SLA services, without the need for
costly line card or platform proliferation.
The system characteristics, service perform -
ance and QoS capabilities of the 7750 SR
have made it the platform of choice for
media-rich, triple-play deployments.
Additionally, the Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR
provides a lead ing implementation of point-
to-point and multipoint IP/MPLS services.
The services enabled are pseudowires for
multiservice transit over IP/MPLS, VPLS,
corporate Internet access, IP-VPNs and more.
The Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router’s built-in system characteristics,
flexibility and service capabilities allow service providers to activate a new
generation of high-performance data services, including carrier voice and
video services. The Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR’s unique packet processing and
hierarchical QoS (H-QoS) capabilities have made it the platform of choice
for a new generation of triple-play service infrastructure rollouts.