
data-intensive applications such as
video, e-mail with attachments and
web access to agency databases.
The urgent need for effective,
capable, interoperable emergency
response services has been powerfully
demonstrated in recent major disas -
ters, such as Hurricane Katrina and
the destruction of the World Trade
Center towers on September 11,
2001. Today, organizations respon -
sible for public safety and security
must be prepared to meet escalating
challenges at the local, state and
federal level, while operating within
tight budgets.
Constraints of existing public safety networks
The wireless technology that currently supports public
safety significantly lags behind commercial developments.
Land mobile radio technologies support primarily:
Push-to-talk group voice
Textual applications such as text-based messaging
Proprietary land mobile radio solutions and weak standards
significantly impede voice interoperability.
Broadband CDMA solutions supple -
ment and enhance land mobile radio
(LMR) networks with advanced
multimedia capabilities. Arming first
responders with advanced multimedia
services allows them instant access
to mission-critical data, giving local,
state and even federal agencies the
ability to exchange information
across jurisdictional boundaries.
Wide area public safety wireless
communications today use LMR
technologies such as P25. Because
of the small size of the radio channels
used by these technologies, these
networks are unable to support
Going Beyond Narrowband Limits —
To Meet Public Safety Needs
Alcatel-Lucent Broadband 700 MHz Solution for Public Safety 3