Storage Capacity
Video (min.) Still picture
HD 1080P 30f
HD 60f
HD 30f
D1 60f
CIF30f 8M 5M 3M
SD card (256MB)
3 7 40 95 145 230
SD card (512MB)
7 15 80 190 290 460
SD card (1GB) 15 30 160 380 580 920
SD card (2GB)
30 60 320 770 1160 1840
SD card (4GB) 60 120 640 1540 2320 3680
Note: The actual value of capacity may vary (up to ± 30%) depending on the color saturation
and complexity of your subject and surroundings.
System requirements are different in different video resolution settings:
Video Resolution PC system requirements
HD 1080P (1440x1080)
OS = Windows XP SP2, Vista or above
CPU = Pentium 4 3.2GHz Core 2 Dual or above
System RAM = 1GB (2GB recommended)
Display card = 256MB of RAM
HD 60f (1280x720) @60fps
HD 30f (1280x720) @30fps
OS = Windows XP SP2, Vista or above
CPU = Pentium 4 3.2GHz or above
System RAM = 512MB (1GB recommended)
Display card = 256MB of RAM
D1 60f (720x480) @60fps
CIF30f (352x240) @30fps
OS = Windows XP, Vista or above
CPU = Pentium 4 1.5GHz or above
System RAM = 256MB (512MB or above recommended)
Display card = 64MB (128MB or above recommended)
System Requirements