80 U2761A User’s Guide
2Features and Functions
Frequency Sweep
In the frequency sweep mode, the U2761A “steps” from the
start frequency to the stop frequency at a sweep rate which
you specify. You can sweep up or down in frequency, and
with either linear or logarithmic spacing. You can also
configure the U2761A to output a single sweep (one pass
from start frequency to stop frequency) by applying an
External or Manual (software) trigger. The U2761A can
produce a frequency sweep for Sine, Square, Ramp, Triangle,
or Arbitrary’s waveform (Pulse and DC are not allowed). The
figure below shows an example of the frequency sweep.
Figure 2-27 Frequency sweep
To Select Sweep
The U2761A does not allow the sweep mode to be enabled at
the same time that any modulation mode is enabled.
Soft Front Panel Operation
Click Sweep as shown in Figure 2- 28. To output
sweep, configure the settings for frequencies, output
amplitude, offset, sweep type and time, and trigger setup.
Linear type
Start frequency
Stop frequency