
Specifications and Characteristics
34945EXT switch drive
64 channels, low side drive mode Driver off voltage (max) 30 V
Driver off leakage current 500 uA
Driver on current (max) 600 mA
Driver on voltage (max) 0.5 V @ 600 mA
64 channels, TTL drive mode Hi output voltage 3 V @ Iout = 2 mA
Lo output voltage 0.4 V @ Iin = 20 mA
Lo input current 20 mA
34945EXT position indicator sense inputs
Channels 64
Lo input voltage (max) 0.8 V
Hi input voltage (min) 2.5 V
Input resistance >100 k@ Vin 5 V
>20 k@ Vin > 5 V
Maximum input voltage 30 V
34945EXT switch drive power supply (34945EXT powered by 34945A)
Voltage 24 V nominal
(external power supply
required for switches
needing different voltages)
Current 100 mA continuous +
200 mA (15 ms pulse,
25% duty cycle)
34945EXT external power connection
Voltage range 4.75 V to 30 V
Current limit 2 A
LED indicator (Current mode divers)
Channels 64
Supply voltage 5 V nominal
LED drive current 5 mA nominal
(prog 1-20 mA)
Driver compliance voltage 0.8 V
Maximum 8 34945Ext’s per L4445A
Product Specifications