
Norm_point: Normal NDF AND match of ss bits AND offset value in range.
NDF_enable: NDF enabled AND match of ss bits AND offset value in range.
AIS_ind: 11111111 11111111.
Incr_ind: Normal NDF AND match of ss bits AND majority of I bits inverted AND no majority of
D bits inverted AND previous NDF_enable, incr_ind or decr_ind more than three frames ago.
Decr_ind: Normal NDF AND match of ss bits AND majority of D bits inverted AND no majority
of I bits inverted AND previous NDF_enable, incr_ind or decr_ind more than three frames ago.
Inv_point: Any other state OR norm_point with offset value not equal to active offset.
Table 13. Pointer Processing
Norm_point: Normal NDF AND match of ss bits AND offset value in range.
Conc_ind: NDF enabled and pointer value = 1111111111
AIS_ind: 11111111 11111111
Inv_point: Any other state
Table 14. Pointer Tracking SONET J1 Capture
When in SONET mode, the
HDMP-3001 can be provisioned to
capture a sample of the path trace
message. When J1_READ transi-
tions from 0 to 1, the HDMP-3001
captures 64 consecutive J1 bytes
from the specified tributary and
writes them to RX_J1[63:0]_[7:0].
No path trace frame structure is
defined for SONET, but GR-253
does recommend that the 64-byte
sequence consist of a string of
ASCII characters padded out to 62
bytes with NULL characters (00)
and terminated with <CR> (0D)
and <LF> (0A) bytes. If the
J1_MODE bit is set, the HDMP-
3001 captures the first 64 byte
string it receives in the J1 byte
position that ends with {0D, 0A}. If
the J1_MODE bit is zero, the
HDMP-3001 captures the next 64
J1 bytes without regard to their
content. On completion of the
capture, the HDMP-3001 sets the
J1_AVL event bit. 16-Byte J1 Monitoring
In SDH mode, the J1 bytes are ex-
pected to contain a repeating
16-byte path trace frame that in-
cludes the PAPI. In this mode, the
J1_READ, J1_MODE, and J1_AVL
bits are not used. J1 monitoring
consists of locking on to the start
of the 16-byte path trace frame
and examining the received path
trace frames for values that match
consistently for three consecutive
path trace frames. When a consis-
tent frame value is received, it is
written to RX_J1[15:0]_[7:0]. The
first byte of the path trace frame
(which contains the frame start
marker) is written to
Framing. The MSBs of all path
trace frame bytes are zero, except
for the MSB of the frame start
marker byte. The J1 monitor
framer searches for 15 consecu-
tive J1 bytes that have a zero in
their MSB, followed by a J1 byte
with a one in its MSB. When this
pattern is found, the framer goes
into frame, J1_OOF = 0. Once the
J1 monitor framer is in frame, it
remains in frame until three con-
secutive path trace frames are
received with at least one MSB bit
error. (In SONET mode, the J1
frame indication is always held in
the in frame state, J1_OOF = 0.)
The J1_OOF_D delta bit is set
when J1_OOF changes state.
Pattern Acceptance and Com-
parison. Once in frame, the J1
monitor block looks for three con-
secutive 16-byte path trace
frames. When three consecutive
identical frames are received, the
accepted frame is stored in
Accepted frames are compared to
the previous contents of these
registers. When a new value is
stored, the RX_J1_D delta bit is
set. BIP-8 (B3) Checking
The HDMP-3001 checks the re-
ceived B3 bytes for correct BIP-8
values. Even parity BIP-8 is calcu-
lated over all bits in the SPE/VC
(including the POH) each frame.
These values are then compared
to the B3 values received in the
following frame. The comparison