Thank you for purchasing the FuturePlus Systems FS2331 DDR SDRAM Logic Analyzer
Probe. We believe you will find the FS2331, along with your Agilent Technologies Logic
Analyzer, a valuable tool for helping to characterize and debug your DDR-based
systems. This User Manual will provide the information you need to install, configure,
and use the FS2331 Probe. If you have any questions about this User Manual or use of
the FS2331 Probe, please contact FuturePlus Systems Corporation.
DDR Bus Speed
This document will use the following definitions when describing DDR memory speeds:
PC1600 or 200Mhz describes DDR DIMMs running at a clock rate on the memory
bus differential clock of 100Mhz, which results in a data transfer rate of 200Mhz (or
1.6 GBytes/sec throughput). DDR commands are issued at a 100Mhz rate.
PC2100 or 266Mhz describes DDR DIMMs running at a clock rate on the memory
bus differential clock of 133Mhz, which results in a data transfer rate of 266Mhz (or
2.1 GBytes/sec throughput). DDR commands are issued at a 133Mhz rate.
PC2700 or 333Mhz describes DDR DIMMs running at a clock rate on the memory
bus differential clock of 167Mhz, which results in a data transfer rate of 333Mhz (or
2.7 GBytes/sec throughput). DDR commands are issued at a 167Mhz rate.
Probe Cable, Connector Numbering
The FS2331 has 4 connectors that connect to the logic analyzer through 4 logic
analyzer adapter cables. These connectors are described as "J1" through "J4". When
"Pod <n>" is referenced in this manual it is the logic analyzer cable end that is plugged
into "J <n>" of the FS2331 per figure on page 7.
Logic Analyzer Modules
"Module" - A set of logic analyzer cards that have been configured (via internal cables
connecting the cards) to operate as a single logic analyzer whose total available
channels is the sum of the channels on each card. A trigger within a module can be
specified using all of the channels of that module. Each module may be further broken
up into "Machines”. A single module may not extend beyond a single 5 card frame.
Logic Analyzer Machines
"Machine" - A set of logic analyzer pods from a logic analyzer module grouped together
to operate as a single state or timing analyzer. Each logic analyzer module may be
partitioned into up to two independent "Machines" (either two state machines, or a state
and a timing machine), and the pods of a module may be assigned freely to either
machine. Each state analyzer machine has its own state clock. Turbo mode (333Mhz
for 1671x, 400Mhz for 16750/1/2, 600Mhz for 16753/4/5 cards) operation restricts a
module to having only one machine. Cross triggering between modules or machines is
done via the Intermodule Bus or via the Flag bits, which will communicate across a
16700 frame and its expander, or across multiple frames if the Multiframe product is