Multiplexed versus
The PCI Local Bus specification specifies that the AD lines and
the C/BE lines carry different information at different times. This
is referred to as multiplexed. Using the extra clocking features
and additional pods of the logic analyzer the AD lines can be
demultiplexed. By using the PCI Active Analysis Probe in
demultiplexed mode the address of the transaction can be held
throughout the transaction thus making triggering and
performance analysis easier.
Please note that the C/BE lines have been demultiplexed on the
PCI Active Analysis Probe. Thus the command is held through
the transaction and no additional clocking or pods is required.
The latched command L_CMD signals are on pod 1 channels
32 bit PCI Demultiplexed
Logic Analyzer PCI Active Analysis
Master POD 1 Header 1
POD 2 Header 2
POD 3 Header 3
POD 4 Header 4
POD 5 Header 5 16554/5/6/7
card POD 1
POD 6 Header 6 16554/5/6/7
card POD 2
32 bit PCI Multiplexed
Logic Analyzer PCI Active Analysis
Master POD 1 Header 1
POD 2 Header 2
POD 3 Header 3
POD 4 Header 4