
EMG Business Management System Manual
Doc # epsg1026386
Rev. 112
Page 11 of 35
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The current version is available at the EMG Document Map website: http://emg.communications.agilent.com/quality/bms/040318_docMap.asp
(c) Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2002, AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES
4.1.4 Customer Property
EMG exercises care with customer property while it is under the organization‟s control or being
used. Each area will use local processes to record and track the status of customer property in the
rare instance when EMG receives customer products or property. If customer property is lost,
damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable for use, this is reported to the customer and records
are maintained locally. (Examples of customer property: government contracts, special handling
specification, product or test equipment).
4.1.5 Core Documents/Processes
EMG‟s quality management system is defined and shown in the EMG Process Map. Details of
specific processes we are required to use can be found in the EMG Documentation in Webdoc or
the Agilent Technologies web site.
These include-
EMG BMS Manual epsg1026386
Management Review Requirements E106 (5.6) epsg1028737
Management Review Guide
Corrective and Preventative Action Requirements E101 (8.5.2, 8.5.3) epsg1028733
Quality Assessment Program Manual E102 (8.2.2) epsg1028734
Documentation Control Requirements E100 (4.2.3) epsg1028732
Training Requirements E105 (6.2.2) epsg1028736
Control of non-conforming Product/Process Requirements E103 (8.3) epsg1028735
Control of Quality Records Requirements E104 (4.2.4) epsg1028767
EMG ESD Control Manual epsg1039112
Calibration Requirements E108 (7.6) epsg1033182
Calibration System Manual epsg1024153
Measurement Uncertainty Validation Process epsg1059922
EMG Calibration Policy epsg1033182
Option 1A7 & A6J Introduction Guide epsg1038158
HWTC Manual epsg1075658
Anti-virus requirements epsg1115641
The Disaster Recovery Processes/plans can be found at:
http://finance.agilent.com/agrm/organization/index.htm Disaster Recovery (Finance)/Agilent Risk Management.
http://wps.service.agilent.com/drp/site_index.htm -Disaster Recovery (WPS)
http://one.it.agilent.com/security/programs/drp/ - IT Disaster Recovery Plans
CIR (Customer Issue Resolution) Process can be found at: http://emg.communications.agilent.com/quality/cirf/
Learn more about the CIR process in section 9.7 of this manual.
Other Business Management System information can be found at:
http://legal.agilent.com/rim/index.shtm-General Retention Schedule
http://epsg.communications.agilent.com/quality/bms/040318_docMap.asp -Documented procedures
http://www.agilent.com/quality/qualityman.pdf -Agilent Quality Manual
http://qes.supplychain.agilent.com/ -Agilent Quality Website
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