
9-18 Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 8
Executing Sample Programs
HCI Measurement Program
Table 9-5 HCI Degradation Measurement Flow
Step 2. Determines Stress Condition
This step determines the gate stress voltage (Vgstr) from the Ib-Vgs measurement
test result. This Vgstr value will be used in step 5.
NOTE Test Device for Defining Stress Conditions
The test device used to determine the stress conditions (step 2) should not be used
for Hot-Carrier stress testing (steps 3 to 5).
step Description
setup file
1 Initializes the Instruments:
1. Resets the 4155/4156.
2. Resets and initializes the E5250A.
Configuration Mode: AUTO
Bias Mode: OFF
Connection Rule: FREE
Channel Status: All Relays Open
2 Determines Stress Condition. See later. IBVG.MES
3 Selects devices valid for the HCI test. See later. IGLEAK.MES
4 Characterizes the initial parameters. See later. PARAM.MES
5 Applies stress and characterizes the parameters.
See later.