
C Program Examples - 7
Example 2
This following C program shows you how to implement the example discussed at the end of chapter 1
using the API cell forming functions. Note that this example only includes a brief cell forming sequence
and does not include error checking after each function call. It primarily describes how you can
incorporate the various high-level features of the Agilent MCCD such as the digital I/O and the serial
ports in a cell forming sequence.
Serial port A is programmed to operate in passthrough mode, so that information from a barcode reader
that is connected to port A is directly sent to the PC.
To match the example at the end of chapter 1, the digital ports are programmed as follows:
Pins 0, 1, and 2 are programmed as low-true general purpose digital inputs. To use the digital inputs
connect a switch from the digital port to ground. Pin 0 is connected to the fixture switch. Pin 1 is
connected to the Start button. Pin 2 is connected to a smoke detector switch. With the switches open, an
internal +5Vpullup resistor sets these inputs high or FALSE. With the switches closed, the digital inputs
are connected to common or low TRUE.
Pins 8 and 9 are programmed as low true general purpose outputs. To use the digital outputs connect a
light from the digital port to a +24V source such as the auxiliary output. Pin 8 is connected to the Ready
light. Pin 9 is connected to the Test light. When programmed to 0 (FALSE), the digital port is an open
circuit and the light is off. When programmed to 1 (TRUE), the digital port is connected to common and
the light turns on.
/* sample1.c */
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <io.h>
#include "mccd.h"
/* Default server address and password */
#define DEFAULT_PASSWORD "mypassword"
/* Digital port bit definitions */
#define DIG_FIXTURE_READY0x0001
#define DIG_START_BUTTON 0x0002
#define DIG_SMOKE_DETECT 0x0004
#define DIG_READY_LIGHT 0x0100
#define DIG_TEST_LIGHT 0x0200
#define CLIENT_TIMEOUT 60.0f
#define MAX_BARCODE 256
#define MEAS_BUF_SIZE 1024
/* Local function prototypes */
void APIError(CF_HANDLE hServer, char *szName, int nError);
char *RunStateToString(CF_RUN_STATE state);