64 Matrix Modules Command Reference Chapter 4
NOTE Closure order for multiple channels with a single command is not
guaranteed. Channel numbers can be in the <channel_list> in any
random order.
Related Commands: [ROUTe:]OPEN, [ROUTe:]CLOSe?
*RST Condition: All channels open.
Example Closing Matrix Modules Channels
This example closes channels 10100 and 20013 of a two-module switchbox
(card numbers 01 and 02).
! Closes row 1, column 00 of card
#1 and row 00, column 13 of card
[ROUTe:]CLOSe? <channel_list> returns the current state of the channel(s)
queried. <channel_list> has the form (@ssrrcc) where cc = card number
(01-99) and nn = channel number (00-31). The command returns "1" if
channel(s) are closed or returns "0" if channel(s) are open.
Comments Query is Software Readback: ROUTe:CLOSe? returns the current software
state of the channel(s) specified. It does not account for relay hardware
A maximum of 128 channels can be queried at one time. If you want to query
more than 128 channels, you must enter the query data in two separate
Example Querying Channel Closure
This example closes channels 100 and 213 of a two-module switchbox and
queries channel closure. Since the channels are programmed to be closed
"1,1" is returned as a string.
!Close channels 100 and 213
!Query channels 100 and 213