Remove all doubt
Our repair and calibration services
will get your equipment back to you,
performing like new, when prom-
ised. You will get full value out of
your Agilent equipment through-
out its lifetime. Your equipment
will be serviced by Agilent-trained
technicians using the latest factory
calibration procedures, automated
repair diagnostics and genuine parts.
You will always have the utmost
confi dence in your measurements.
Agilent offers a wide range of ad-
ditional expert test and measure-
ment services for your equipment,
including initial start-up assistance,
onsite education and training, as
well as design, system integration,
and project management.
For more information on repair and
calibration services, go to:
www.agilent.com/fi nd/removealldoubt
Agilent Email Updates
www.agilent.com/fi nd/emailupdates
Get the latest information on the
products and applications you select.
Agilent Direc
www.agilent.com/fi nd/agilentdirect
Quickly choose and use your test
equipment solutions with confi dence.
www.agilent.com/fi nd/open
Agilent Open simplifi es the process
of connecting and programming
test systems to help engineers
design, validate and manufacture
electronic products. Agilent offers
open connectivity for a broad range
of system-ready instruments, open
industry software, PC-standard I/O
and global support, which are
combined to more easily integrate
test system development.
LXI is the LAN-based successor to
GPIB, providing faster, more effi cient
connectivity. Agilent is a founding
member of the LXI consortium.
www.agilent.com/fi nd/89600
For more information on Agilent Technologies’
products, applications or services, please
contact your local Agilent office. The
complete list is available at:
www.agilent.com/fi nd/contactus
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United States (800) 829-4444
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Australia 1 800 629 485
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*0.125 €/minute
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**0.14 €/minute
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Other European Countries:
www.agilent.com/fi nd/contactus
Revised: July 17, 2008
Product specifi cations and descriptions
in this document subject to change
without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2008
Printed in USA, September 10, 2008