
Error Messages - C
44 Current selftest error, output 2
45 Current selftest error, output 3
70 Fan voltage failure
80 Digital I/O selftest error
Device-Dependent Errors 100 through 32767 (sets Standard Event Status Register bit #3)
200 Outgrd not responding
201 Front panel not responding
210 Ingrd receiver framing error
211 Ingrd uart overrun status
212 Ingrd received bad token
213 Ingrd receiver buffer overrun
214 Ingrd input buffer overrun
215 Outgrd output buffer overrun
216 RS-232 receiver framing error
217 RS-232 receiver parity error
218 RS-232 receiver overrun error
219 Ingrd inbuf count sync error
220 Front panel uart overrun
221 Front panel uart framing
222 Front panel uart parity
223 Front panel buffer overrun
224 Front panel timeout
401 CAL switch prevents calibration
402 CAL password is incorrect
403 CAL not enabled
404 Computed readback cal constants are incorrect
405 Computed programming cal constants are incorrect
406 Incorrect sequence of calibration commands
600 Systems in mode:list have different list lengths
601 Requested voltage and waveform exceeds peak voltage capability
602 Requested voltage and waveform exceeds transformer volt-second rating
603 Command only applies to RS-232 interface
604 Trigger received before requested number of pre-trigger readings
605 Requested RMS current too high for voltage range
606 Waveform data not defined
607 VOLT, VOLT:SLEW, and FUNC:SHAP modes incompatible
608 Measurement overrange
609 Output buffer overrun
610 Command cannot be given with present SYST:CONF setting