
4 - Programming Examples
Step and Pulse Transients
Step 1
Set the functions that you do not want to generate transients to FIXed mode. A convenient
way to do this is with the *RST command. Then set the mode of the function that will
generate the transient to STEP or PULSe as required. For example, to enable the voltage
function to generate a single triggered output voltage change, use:
Step 2
Set the triggered level of the function that will generate the transient. For example, if the
previously programmed voltage function is going to step the output voltage amplitude to
150 volts upon receipt of a trigger, use:
VOLTage:TRIGger 150
Step 3
Select the trigger source that will generate the trigger. For example, to select the external
Trigger In BNC connector as the trigger source, use:
TRIGger:TRANsient:SOURce EXTernal
Trigger sources are discussed in detail under "Triggering Output Changes".
Step 4
Only perform this step if you have selected PULSE as the transient mode in Step 1.
Specify the pulse count, the pulse period, and then either the duty cycle or the pulse width
using the following commands:
PULSe:COUNt 1 specifies 1 output pulse
PULSe:PERiod 1 specifies a pulse period of 1 second
PULSe:DCYCle 50 specifies a duty cycle of 50%
PULSe:WIDTh .5 specifies a pulse width of .5 seconds (not necessary in this
case, since a duty cycle has already been specified)
Step 5
Initiate the transient trigger system to enable it to receive a trigger. To enable the trigger
system for one transient event use:
To enable the transient system indefinitely use:
INITiate:CONTinuous:SEQuence1 ON
Step 6
Trigger the transient. This is described in detail under "Triggering Output Changes".
The following example programs a voltage dropout for 2 cycles of a 120 volt, 60 Hz output. The dropout
begins at the positive peak of the output voltage waveform (90 degrees phase) and is triggered by GPIB
bus trigger.
*RST Begin at power-on state
VOLT 120 Set initial output voltage (immediate-level)
FREQ 60 Set initial output frequency
OUTP ON Enable the output
VOLT:MODE PULS Enable output to generate pulses when triggered
VOLT:TRIG 0 Set the voltage dropout (triggered level)
PULS:WIDT .03333 Set pulse width for 2 periods
TRIG:SOUR BUS Respond to GPIB bus triggers
TRIG:SYNC:SOUR PHAS Synchronize triggers to internal phase reference
TRIG:SYNC:PHAS 90 Sets internal phase reference point to 90 degrees
INIT:SEQ1 Set to Wait-for-trigger state
<device trigger> Send the GPIB bus trigger