Installation 17
This section contains instructions for checking and repackaging the supply; bench or rack mounting, connecting the supply
to ac input power, and converting the supply from one line voltage to another if required..
Note: All power supplies generate magnetic fields that may affect the operation of other instruments. If your
instrument is susceptible to operating magnetic fields, do not locate it in the immediate vicinity of the
power supply. Typically, at three inches from the supply, the electromagnetic field is less than 5 gauss.
Many CRT’s, such as those used in computer displays, are susceptible to magnetic fields much
lower than 5 gauss. Check susceptibility before mounting any display near the power supply.
Initial Inspection
Before shipment, this supply was inspected and found to be free of mechanical and electrical defects. As soon as the supply
is unpacked, inspect for any damage that may have occurred in transit. Save all packing materials until the inspection is
completed. If damage is found, file a claim with the carrier immediately. The Agilent Technologies Sales and Support office
should be notified as soon as possible.
Mechanical Check
This check should confirm that there are no broken knobs or connectors, that the cabinet and panel surfaces are free of dents
and scratches, and that the meter face and rear-panel plastic covers are not scratched or cracked.
Electrical Check
Section III contains an abbreviated check that can be used quickly to place the supply into operation. Refer to the inside
cover page of the manual for Certification and Warranty statements.
Preparation for Use
In order to be put into service, the power supply must be connected to an appropriate ac input power source. Also, the line
voltage for which the supply is set must be checked. Additional steps may include line voltage conversion and rack
mounting. Do not apply power to the supply before reading the “Input Power Requirements” section in this chapter.
Location and Cooling
The supply is fan cooled and must be installed with sufficient space in the rear and on sides for airflow. It should be used in
an area where the ambient temperature does not exceed + 50 °C (55 °C for models 6023Aand 6028A).
Caution: When mounting several units in an enclosed rack, care should be taken to insure there is sufficient airflow
through the enclosure. Failure to provide sufficient airflow may result in damage to the power supply or
other equipment in the enclosure.