
Using the Agilent 81133A/81134A Pulse Generator Combining Parameters for Signal Generation
74 Agilent 81133A/81134A Pulse Generator User’s Guide, January 2005
–Int. Direct
Allows you to vary the clock derived from the internal YIG
oscillator in the range of one octave.
–Ext. Direct
Allows you to vary the frequency of the external clock signal in
the range of one octave.
In external direct mode, the internal PLL is bypassed. This
ensures that the instrument frequency exactly follows the
external clock.
Range switching occurs at the following frequencies:
1680 MHz
840 MHz
420 MHz
210 MHz
105 MHz
52.5 MHz
26.25 MHz
NOTE The range-switching frequencies are based on 1680 MHz divided by
the frequency divider.