Operating the Power Supply Remotely 4
Series N5700 User’s Guide 53
Using Telnet
In an MS-DOS Command Prompt box type: telnet hostname 5024
where hostname is the N5700 hostname or IP address, and 5024 is
the instrument’s telnet port.
You should get a Telnet session box with a title indicating that you
are connected to the power supply. Type the SCPI commands at the
Using Sockets
Agilent instruments have standardized on using port 5025 for SCPI
socket services. A data socket on this port can be used to send and
receive ASCII/SCPI commands, queries, and query responses. All
commands must be terminated with a newline for the message to be
parsed. All query responses will also be terminated with a newline.
The power supply allows any combination of up to three
simultaneous data socket and telnet connections to be made.
The socket programming interface also allows a control socket
connection. The control socket can be used by a client to send device
clear and to receive service requests. Unlike the data socket, which
uses a fixed port number, the port number for a control socket varies
and must be obtained by sending the following SCPI query to the data
socket: SYSTem:COMMunicate:TCPip:CONTrol?
After the control port number is obtained, a control socket
connection can be opened. As with the data socket, all commands to
the control socket must be terminated with a newline. All query
responses will also be terminated with a newline.
To send a device clear, send the string “DCL” to the control socket.
When the power supply has finished performing the device clear it
echoes the string “DCL” back to the control socket.