Channel Commands
:CHANnel<number>:OFFSet[?] <offset_value>
For TDR and TDT applications, you may change the offset to magnify offset
in some circumstances. This command is used to set the magnify offset as
well as the offset.
An integer, 1-4, indicating the slot in which the channel resides.
Offset value at center screen; can be volts, amperes, or other units.
:CHANnel<number>:RANGe[?] <range_value>
For TDR and TDT applications, you may change the range to magnify range
in some circumstances. This command is used to set the magnify range as
well as the range.
An integer, 1-4, indicating the slot in which the channel resides.
Full-scale voltage of the specified channel number.
:CHANnel<number>:SCALe[?] <scale_value>
For TDR and TDT applications, you may change the scale to magnify scale in
some circumstances. This command is used to set the magnify scale as well
as the scale.
An integer, 1-4, indicating the slot in which the channel resides.
Vertical scale of the channel in units per division.