The main CPU, U102, communicates with the earth referenced logic
through an optically isolated asynchronous serial data link. U101 isolates
the incoming data (OG_RXD*) from the earth referenced logic. Similarly,
U901 isolates the data from U102 (OG_TXD) to the earth reference logic.
Data is sent in an 11-bit frame at a rate of 187.5 k bits/second. When the
RS-232 interface is selected, data is sent across the serial link at 93.75 k
bits/second. The 11-bit internal data frame is configured for one start bit,
eight data bits, one control bit, and one stop bit.
Earth-Referenced Logic
Block 9 on block diagram page 129; Schematic on page 139.
The earth referenced section provides all rear panel input/output
capability. Microprocessor U903 handles GPIB (IEEE-488) control
through bus interface chip U904 and bus receiver/driver chips U907 and
U908. The RS-232 interface is also controlled through U903. RS-232
transceiver chip U906 provides the required level shifting to approximate
9 volt logic levels through on-chip charge-pump power supplies using
capacitors C904 and C906. Communication between the earth referenced
logic interface circuits and the floating logic is accomplished through an
optically-isolated bi-directional serial interface. Isolator U101 couples
data from U903 to microprocessor U102. Isolator U901 couples data from
U102 to microprocessor U903.
Power Supplies
Block 10 on block diagram page 129; Schematic on page 140.
The power supply section, is divided into two isolated blocks similar to
the floating logic and earth referenced logic sections discussed earlier.
The floating supply outputs are
18 Vdc, +5 Vdc, -5.2 Vdc (VEE), and a
6 Vrms center tapped filament supply for the vacuum fluorescent display.
All earth referenced logic is powered from a single +5 Vdc supply.
Power-on reset signals are provided by both the floating and earth
referenced power supplies. In addition, the floating section +5 Vdc supply
incorporates a power failure detection circuit which provides a priority
interrupt signal to the main CPU (U102).
Chapter 5 Theory of Operation
Earth-Referenced Logic