Send error.
An error has occurred during e-mail transmission. The possible
error codes and their descriptions are as follows.
1101: The server name of the SMTP server is not set correctly.
Use COMMAND CENTER and register the SMTP server name
correctly. Refer to Chapter 6 in Advanced Operation Guide,
Advanced Page.
1105: The SMTP protocol setting is turned off. Use COMMAND
CENTER and turn on the SMTP protocol setting. Refer to
Chapter 6 in Advanced Operation Guide, Advanced Page.
1106: The Sender Address setting under E-mail: SMTP is not
registered. Use COMMAND CENTER and register the Sender
Address. Refer to Chapter 6 in Advanced Operation Guide,
Advanced Page.
210#: The network cable is disconnected or the hub that it is
connected to is not operating properly. Check to see whether the
cable is not connected properly or the hub is not working properly.
The server name of the SMTP server is not set correctly. Use
COMMAND CENTER and register the SMTP Server Name
correctly. Refer to Chapter 6 in Advanced Operation Guide,
Advanced Page.
220#: The network cable has become disconnected during
transmission or the hub that it is connected to has stopped
operating. Check to see whether the cable is not connected
properly or the hub is not working properly.
3101: SMTP Authentication error. Consult with your network
administrator to verify that the Login Account Name and Login
Password required for SMTP Authentication are correct. Refer to
Chapter 6 in Advanced Operation Guide, Advanced Page.
The SMTP server is not operating properly. Check with your
network administrator to find out whether or not the SMTP server
is working properly.
Toner low. Toner is running low. Replace the toner container using a new
toner kit as soon as possible.
Waste toner near full. Remove the process unit from the machine. Gently shake the
process unit horizontally a few times. Reinstall it into the machine.
The machine will stop printing soon, contact your service
representative or authorized service center.
Waiting to scan. The memory to execute the job is insufficient. The job will be
automatically resumed, after the memory capacity to execute is
secured. If you want to cancel the job, press the left select key.
Message Procedure Reference Page