Drinks, desserts & cakes
Chocolate with whipped cream
1 portion
Total cooking time: about 1 minute
Utensils: Large cup or mug (capacity 200 ml)
150 ml milk
30 g bar of chocolate grated
30 ml cream
chocolate vermicelli
1. Pour the milk into the cup or mug. Add the grated
chocolate to the milk, stir and heat. Stir halfway
approx. 1 min. 900 W
2. Whip the cream until it is stiff, place on top of the
chocolate, sprinkle with chocolate vermicelli and serve.
Hot punch
For 10 servings
500 ml white wine
500 ml dry red wine
500 ml rum, 54 % vol
1 unwaxed orange
3 sticks of cinnamon
75 g sugar
10 tsp klontjes (crystallised sugar lumps)
1. Pour the alcoholic ingredients into the bowl. Thinly
pare the skin of the orange, and add the orange peel,
together with the cinnamon and the sugar, to the
alcohol. Cover and heat.
8-10 min. 900 W
Remove the orange peel and the cinnamon. Place a
teaspoon of the klontjes (crystalised sugar lumps) into
10 punch glasses, pour in the punch, and serve.
Chocolate cake
Total cooking time: 15-21 minutes
Utensils: Round cake dish (diam. 21 cm, height 10 cm)
175 g butter or margarine
175 g sugar
3 eggs
175 g flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsps cocoa (20 g)
50 ml milk
1. Beat the butter until frothy and slowly mix in the
sugar. Add the eggs gradually, mixing well. Mix
together the flour, baking powder and cocoa. Add milk
and mix thoroughly.
2. Grease the pan. pour in dough and cook.
8-10 min. 630 W
3. Use a wooden skewer to check that the cake is done.
Allow the cake to cool for 10 minutes in the dish.
2. AG-32D-UK ENGLISH 20/05/2004 12:01 Page 35