Page 16 / 33- Revision 01
ARE I2 / RS 232 – Installation Guide
Identifikationssysteme GmbH
Söflinger Straße 100
D-89077 Ulm
Tel. ++49(0)731-933-1340/1877
Fax ++49(0)731-933-1855
e-mail: info@AEGID.de
After entering a valid command together with a parameter value, the system answers by
sending the parameter value and <CR>. Example:
Command: MD <SP> 2 <CR>
Output: 2 <CR>
After entering an invalid parameter value, the system answers with the corresponding error
Parameter settings can be queried by sending the command without adding an parameter
value. Example:
Command: MD <CR>
Output: 1 <CR>
If a single <CR> is input, the reader answers with a single <CR>. Example:
Command: <CR>
Output: <CR>
Please note: If echo mode is active, a single <CR> forces the reader to output <CR> <CR>
(echo plus output).
6.2 Error Codes
If a command is not entered correctly, the reader sends one of the following error codes:
Wrong command: <NAK> #00 <CR>
Wrong parameter: <NAK> #02 <CR>
6.3 CID – Suppression of ID Codes
With CID=1 only the first of in succession identical transponder numbers is output on the
serial interface. The possibly following identical transponder numbers are suppressed, as
long as no new valid transponder number is received, processed and output. NoReads do
not influence the data filtering.