How to proceed D. 6000
• … you can flip up the entire font.
Do not disconnect the ribbon cable
to the LDC display! Please handle
carefully and with minimum force.
• Now unscrew the left side located
on the battery compartment cover.
• Slide the battery tray carefully into
the slot on the left hand side of the
UPS. The connections for the UPS
front panel should be facing in the
direction of the front panel.
How to proceed D. 10000
• … you can move the entire front
panel forwards. Please handle
carefully and with minimum force.
• Now unscrew the left and right side
screws located on the battery
compartment cover.
• Slide forward the two battery trays
connected to the terminals carefully
towards the back of the UPS.
• Move the front panel a few millimeters to the left. The locking mechanism
should now be released