Note: For problem free communication with the SNMP adapter and
CompuWatch, you should not change the settings.
Screen 3.3:
The screen for programming the frequency of the automatic battery test.
The options for the Type to be programmed are the following:
• “DISABLED”: The automatic battery test is disabled.
• “WEEKLY”: The automatic battery test runs once per week.
• “MONTHL”: The automatic battery test runs once per month.
• “YEARLY”: The automatic battery test runs once per year.
For weekly testing choose a weekday. Choose from the following options:
• “MON”: The selected day to run the weekly battery test is Monday.
• “TUE”: The selected day to run the weekly the battery test is Tuesday.
• “WED”: The selected day to run the weekly the battery test is Wednesday.
• “THU”: The selected day to run the weekly the battery test is Thursday.
• “FRI”: The selected day to run the weekly the battery test is Friday.
• “SAT”: The selected day to run the weekly the battery test is Saturday.
• “SUN”: The selected day to the run weekly the battery test is Sunday.
Set the time here (24 h format).
For monthly testing choose a month and day for the battery test:
• “JAN“: The annual battery test will run in January.
• “FEB“: The annual battery test will run in February.
• “MAR“: The annual battery test will run in March.
• “APR“: The annual battery test will run in April.
• “MAY“: The annual battery test will run in May.
• “JUN“: The annual battery test will run in June.