there are two ways to perform "Starup" function.
Method 1:
Step1: Create "startup" directory in CF storage card or in folder "\IPSM\".
Step2: Copy executable files to "startup" directory that is created by Step 1.
We copy two executable files "REGFLASH.exe" and "Notepad.exe" in
"\IPSM\Startup", and then reboot the system. After the system boot up, the two
executable files would automatically execute.
Method 2:
Step1: The same as Step1 in Method 1.
Step2: Create a file called "startup.ini" in "startup" directory. Type in the commands
you want to execute after boot up in that file.
Create "Startup.ini" in "\IPSM\Startup" directory and reboot the system. The content
of startup.ini was listed below:
After the system reboot, "\windows\ tty.exe" and "\windows\ registry.exe" would
automatically execute. Be sure that the two methods are independent. It means they
can be used simultaneously.
4.4.4 Safemode
SPC allow user to alter registry setting, and save it by either "regflash.exe" or the
registry frame of the “Misc” page of the System Configurator. But sometimes user
may make some non-appropriate registry setting, and cause SPC fail to boot. In the
circumstance, the easiest way to boot up SPC is to use the default registry setting from
the Windows
CE.NET image. When the SPC is booted up with the default registry
setting, we say that it is working in "safemode". To enter "safemode", user must
perform several steps as described below:
Step 1: Create a file whose filename is "safemode" or a folder whose name is
"safemode" in the CompactFlash card.
Step 2: Insert the CompactFlash card into the SPC series platform.
Step 3: Turn on the power switch of SPC series platform.