
48 MIC-3318 User's Manual
Parallel Port Mode
SPP (Default) Standard Parallel Port
EPP1.9+SPP Supports both the SPP and EPP1.9 modes
ECP Extended Capability Port
EPP1.9+ECP Supports both the ECP and EPP1.9 modes
Printer Supports Printer modes
EPP1.7+SPP Supports both the SPP and EPP1.7 modes
EPP1.7+ECP Supports both the ECP and EPP1.7 modes
ECP Mode Use DMA
The options: 1 and 3 (Default)
4.2.5 Power Management Setup
The Power Management Setup allows you to configure you system to
most effectively save energy while operating in a manner consistent
with your own style of computer use.
Figure 4-6: Power Management Setup screen