Page 78 INTRAC-305 MANUAL - Issue 3.2 © 2011 Advantech Wireless
This fault finding guide goes no further than the replacement
of the major assemblies such as power supply, IBR-L or
complete printed circuit assemblies.
The INTRAC-305 consists of six major assemblies :-
Main Interface PCB
Processor PCB
Low voltage power supply
LCD Display panel
Front panel keys assembly
Beacon receiver (optional)
Note The LCD display panel has a replaceable backlight which has
a finite life span. This light will need replacing within the
working life of the INTRAC-305. Included in this section are
instructions on replacing the lamp.
INTRAC doesn’t appear Check that the main power-on switch glows green when
to power up switched on. If not check INTRAC fuse, power cable and
power source
Display screen blank/dark Data is visible on screen but display is very dark.
Try to adjust display brightness and contrast. Contrast
adjustment has some effect but brightness has none.
LCD backlight or its inverter has failed.
Note To adjust brightness or contrast press menu keys 2 - 4 - 5
followed by the Enter key. Menu key 4 will now control
brightness and menu key 3 will control contrast.
Display is bright but there is no data visible. Brightness
control has some effect but contrast does not.
Check power supply voltages :-
V1 = +5v to com )
V2 = +15v to com )
V3 = 12v across + & )
V4 = 24v across + & )
If voltages are correct fault is with LCD, ribbon cable to J18
(Interface PCB) or the Interface PCB itself.
Replacing the LCD backlight This section applies only to units fitted with a display with a
fluorescent tube backlight (blue display). Some units may be
fitted with a LED backlight display (grey display) which do not
require replacement of the backlight.
Remove the top cover from the INTRAC-305. The rear of the
LCD panel is then visible.
Voltages should be
within 5% of stated