23 FPM-8192V/8232V User Manual
Chapter 3 Operating the LCD Display
3.7.3 PIP Control Item Menu
Figure 3.11 PIP Control Item Menu
PIP Control Item Menu
Menu Input Source Description and Usage
Mode VGA
Composite S-
Use “ ” / “ ” to change the Mode value to be Off, Single,
or PAP**.
In Off mode, the Main display fills the entire screen.
In Single mode, a PIP display floats over the screen.
In PAP mode, the screen is divided into two side-by-side dis-
play areas.
Size PIP Size can be altered only when Single PIP mode is
selected. To configure the PIP display size, use “ ” / “ ” to
change the value to Small, Medium or Large.
Vertical** Both vertical and horizontal PIP position can be altered only
when Single PIP mode is selected. Configure the PIP Vertical
and Horizontal Position, by using “ ” / “ ” to change the
value using the slider bar.
Note! For PAP mode:
When selecting “PAP” mode, the display area is now divided into two
parts. The left window displays the Main output, while the right window
displays the PIP output. Each window is half size of the total display
area. Each input is scaled down to fit the window.
Note! For PIP mode:
Note that the PIP screen can have any position on the screen. This can
be achieved by adjusting both Horizontal and Vertical positions.