EKI-7758F User Manual 106
Figure C.26: Syslog Table
SMTP Configuration
You can set up the mail server IP, mail account, account password, and forwarded
email account for receiving the event alert.
Figure C.27: SMTP Configuration
• Mode: enable or disable the email alert function.
• Server IP Address: set up the mail server IP address (when Mode enabled, this
function will then be available).
• Sender: key in a complete email address, e.g. switch101@123.com
, to identify
where the event log comes from.
• Account: set up the email account, e.g. johnadmin, to receive the alert. It must be
an existing email account on the mail server, which you had set up in SMTP Server
IP Address column.
• Password: The email account password.
• Confirm Password: reconfirm the password.
• Recipients’ E-mail: you can assign up to 6 e-mail accounts to receive the alert.