
23 ADAM-5560 Series User Manual
Chapter 2 Installation
COM1 Jumper Setting
The Communication port of COM1 is set by CN4, CN5, CN6 (Mode) and CN7 (Termi-
nal Resistor).
Figure 2.5 COM1 RS-232/485 and Terminal Resistor Settings
COM3 Jumper Setting
The Communication port of COM3 is set by CN9, CN10, CN11 (Mode) and CN12
(Terminal Resistor).
Figure 2.6 COM3 RS-232/485 and Terminal Resistor Settings
COM4 Jumper Setting
The Communication port of COM4 is set by CN14, CN15, CN16 (Mode) and CN1
7(Terminal Resistor).
Figure 2.7 COM4 RS-232/485 and Terminal Resistor Settings