
50 ADAM-4570/ADAM-4571/EDG-4504 User’s Manual
at the remote site to check and see if the power is on, and
make sure that the connection is okay.
3.4 Port Mapping Utility
The purpose of the port mapping utility is to help you manage all
ports which are in one Windows NT or Windows 2000 plat-
form. The utility displays three types of ports: Used ports, Un-
used ports and ADAM-4570/ADAM-4571/EDG-4504 ports.
Please follow the steps.
1. Click the UNUSED PORTS item and select the port which
you want to configure.
Figure 3-11 Unused ports
2. Click ADD button to assign the COMport to the specific
3. Type IP address of the ADAM-4570/ADAM-4571/EDG-
4504 and select ports.