
The following table shows the memory mapping of the ADAM-4500 controller.
0xF8000 -- 0xFFFFF Monitor program
0xF6C00 -- 0xF7FFF Mini BIOS
0xCC000 Start of Application ROM Disk (about 171 K)
0xC0000 Start of ROM-DOS (about 48 K)
0x40000 -- 0xBFFFF No Use
0x00400 -- 0x3FFFF SRAM area
0x00000 -- 0x003FF System area
0x003F8 -- 0x003FF COM1
0x002F8 -- 0x002FF COM2
0x00070 -- 0x00071 Real time clock
3.2 Downloading and Transferring
This section explains how to download application programs from a PC into the ADAM-4500 flash
ROM and how to transfer files from a PC into ADAM-4500's SRAM.
Install Utility Software on Host PC
A utility disk containing the following files and directories is included with each ADAM-4500.
. ADAM4500.EXE
Copy all the files and directories on the utility disk to the host computer hard drive.
Preparing the ALLFILE directory
Applications programs are downloaded from a host-PC to the flash ROM of the ADAM-4500
using the ADAM-4500 utility software. The ADAM-4500 utility software is first installed on a host-
PC. The directory ALLFILE will be included among the contents copied from the utility software
disk to the host-PC hard drive. The user must then load into ALLFILE the following required files:
The application program intended for installation in ADAM-4500; COMMAND.COM;
AUTOEXEC.BAT; and CONFIG.SYS. The user should make certain that AUTOEXEC.BAT
contains the name of the user's application program so that the application will automatically
begin executing whenever the ADAM-4500 is powered on. When downloading to the ADAM-
4500's flash ROM, the utility software first clears all non-permanent files from the flash ROM, then
installs all the files contained in directory ALLFILE into the flash ROM. It is therefore critical that
all the required files be available in directory ALLFILE when the utility software tries to install
ALLFILE's contents on the ADAM-4500's flash ROM.
Downloading into flash ROM (ADAM-4500's C-drive)
With the ADAM-4500 utility software and the directory ALLFILE, loaded with its proper contents,
installed on the host-PC, you can execute the utility software. After the utility software has begun