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Syntax conventions:
• italics = replace with a variable
• [ ] = optional component
Policy Class Management
Command Options Description
fsaddclass Creates and defines a new
policy class.
WARNING: The file system
must be mounted and active
before running this command
or it will fail.
class The policy class (maximum of
16 alphanumeric characters).
[ -h hardlimit ] Maximum number of media
allowed in the policy class.
[ -n notifyID ] E-mail address of the user to
notify when the policy class’s
softlimit and hardlimit are
[ -t mediatype ] Defines the media type to use
for the policy class.
[ -l securitycode ] Security code for the policy
class (up to 4 characters in
[ -o acctnum ] Account number for the policy
class (up to 5 characters in
[ -x maxcopies ] Maximum number of copies
(including the primary) allowed
for each file in the policy class.
[ -d defaultcopies ] Total number of stored copies
(including the primary) for
each file in the policy class.
This value cannot exceed the
maxcopies setting.
[ -k maxversions ] Maximum number of inactive
versions to keep for a file. The
minimum is 1 and the
maximum is 25.
Default: 10
Storage Manage
[ -m minstoretime ] Minimum time (in minutes) that
a file must reside unmodified
on disk before being
considered a candidate for
storage on media.
[ -c mintrunctime ] Minimum time (in days) that a
file must reside unaccessed on
disk before being considered a
candidate for truncation.
[ -a affinity ] Lists disk affinities that the files
in the policy class will traverse
in their lifecycle.
[ -i minreloctime ] Minimum time (in days) that a
file must reside unaccessed on
disk before being considered a
candidate for relocation.
[ -v drivepool ] Media Manager drive pool
used to store or retrieve data
for the policy class.
[ -f i | p ] File retention policy (-f) for the
policy class. Files can be:
• i - Truncated immediately
• p - Truncated at policy
application time
[ -r c | s ] Media classification cleanup
action. When all files are
deleted from a medium, the
medium can revert (-r) back to:
• c - Policy class blank pool
• s - System blank pool
fsaddrelation Adds a directory-to-policy
class association.
directory Path name of the directory to
associate with the policy class.
WARNING: The command
fails if the directory has an
affinity associated with it. Use
the cvaffinity command to
remove its affinity.
-c class Policy class to associate with
the directory.
NOTE: After the command
completes running
successfully, if the class has
any affinities, the directory has
its affinity set to the first affinity
in the class affinity list,
fsclassinfo Reports policy class
processing parameters,
directory paths, and affinity
Command Options Description
[ class ] One or more policy classes to
be listed.
[ -l ] Long report - processing
parameters, directory paths,
and the disk affinity list for the
policy class.
fsmodclass Modifies the parameters of the
policy class.
class The policy class.
[ -d defaultcopies ] Total number of copies to store
(including the primary) for
each file in the policy class.
[ -f i | p ] File retention policy (-f) for the
policy class. Files can be:
• i - Truncated immediately
• p - Truncated at policy
application time
[ -h hardlimit ] Maximum number of media
allowed in the policy class.
[ -l securitycode ] Security code for the policy
class (up to 4 characters in
[ -m minstoretime ] Minimum time (in minutes) that
a file must reside unmodified
on disk before being
considered a candidate for
storage on media.
[ -c mintrunctime ] Minimum time (in days) that a
file must reside unaccessed on
disk before being considered a
candidate for truncation.
[ -i minreloctime ] Minimum time (in days) that a
file must reside unaccessed on
disk before being considered a
candidate for relocation.
[ -n notifyID ] E-mail address of the user to
notify when the policy class’s
softlimit and hardlimit are
[ -o acctnum ] Account number for the policy
class (up to 5 characters in
[ -r c | s ] Media classification cleanup
action. When all files are
deleted from a medium, the
medium can revert (-r) back to:
• c - Policy class blank pool
• s - System blank pool
Command Options Description