
AdderView Installation and Use Page 35
the mouse to use a proprietary mouse data format not supported by the AdderView.
If you have unplugged and re-connected a mouse to the AdderView then ensure that
you reset it using the mouse reset function (see section 3.3).
Mouse jumps around the screen after disconnecting the mouse cable or powering
down the AdderView.
If you have disconnected and re-connected a CPU mouse cable or you have
powered down the AdderView then the mouse data format may be out of
synchronisation with that required by the PC (PS/2 or Intellimouse). Try the ‘restore
Intellimouse’ function (F6) to resolve the problem or re-power the CPU.
Video appears to be lost after a PC has gone into auto power down mode. Moving
the mouse and typing at the keyboard does not wake it up.
Some computers tested output an incomplete video signal in auto power down
mode. The on-screen menu cannot ‘lock on’ to this signal and so cannot be
displayed under these conditions. If the Adder menu is left on the screen and this
type of auto power down occurs then the screen becomes blank. Keyboard and
mouse data is captured by the menu process and so is not sent to the computer to
cause it to wake up. The operation therefore appears to ‘hang’. To restore the video
under these conditions press escape, return or change the channel using HOTKEYs
+ channel number. Alternatively, you may wish to avoid leaving the menu on the
screen if you have a PC that exhibits this anomaly.
Mouse consistently fails to boot when using a Compaq integrated keyboard / mouse
model MX11800 with the AdderView, Windows NT 4.0 and a PS/2 connection to
some types of PCs.
There are three possible solutions to this problem: 1) Use a different mouse.
2) Connect the AdderView mouse connection to a serial port on the NT 4.0 unit
rather than the PS/2 port. 3) Select channel 0 or a port that is not connected to an
NT 4.0 box whilst NT is booting. Use the system normally once the logon screen