AdderView DVI Installation and Use Page 19
Step 4 - Ensure that the AdderView is powered on
Ensure that the AdderView is powered on. It is normally possible to upgrade the
AdderView when it is powered from a single computer, however it is good practice to
ensure that there is the maximum possible power availability during flash upgrades
and so if possible ensure that all the computers are powered on. The upgrade
program monitors the AdderView's voltage and will not allow an upgrade to be
performed if the voltage is insufficient.
The display should now show:
Step 5 - Run the upgrade program
The latest version of the AdderView DVI firmware is available from the Adder
Technology website at www.addertec.com. The program and data files are
supplied as a pair e.g.
and should be downloaded to the same directory on your PC. Run the file
AVGxxx.EXE (e.g. AVG129.EXE) and follow the on-screen instructions. During the
upgrade the display will show an upper case U and the dot will flash to show that the
upgrade is in progress.