Advanced Operation
Setting Backlight Options
You can adjust the amount of time that the Automator
backlight stays on by entering the SETUP mode and
proceeding to page two (using the PAGE UP button),
then pressing the LIGHT button on the display (not the
Backlight button). Then enter the amount of time you
would like the light to stay on using the number pad
(0-99 seconds). After making your selection, press the
SAVE button.
If you don’t want backlighting at all (this extends
battery life), press the ON button that appears on the
screen. The ON will change to OFF. Press the SAVE
button. Exit the setup mode by pressing the MAIN button.
The FAV Button
When you press the FAV button, the display changes to a
list of your favorite TV channels. Each button can be set
to instantly select the channel on your TV. There are
eight pages of five favorite channel buttons for a total of
40. Simply touch the PAGE buttons to display the other
favorite channels. To return to the last device you
viewed, press MAIN once (a second press will take you
to the MAIN menu).
To setup your Favorite Channel buttons go to page 22.