Z8F04A08100KIT Development Kit
User Manual
UM018702-0505 Development Board
The board has two modes of operation: DEMO and USER. Use DEMO
mode to run the sample program included with the kit. Run the board in
USER mode:
When using the ZDI port to debug your code.
When configuring the board to run your own prototype code.
DEMO Mode Jumper Settings
When running the board in DEMO mode, the following jumpers MUST
be set:
J7 OUT DEMO mode setting X
IN Chip U5 resets when SW1 pressed
J8 1-2 Connects U5 pin PA3 to J11 pin 1
2-3 Connects U5 pin PA3 to JP2 pin 35
J9 1-2 Connects U5 pin PA4 to RXD
RS232 signal
2-3 Connects U5 pin PA4 to JP2 pin 35
J10 1-2 Connects U5 pin PA5 to TXD
RS232 signal
2-3 Connects U5 pin PA5 to JP2 pin 36
J11 OUT Disconnects PA3 from CTS0
RS232 signal
IN Connects PA3 to CTS0 RS232
Note: * These jumpers must not be OUT at the same time
Table 1. Z8F04A08100KIT Jumper Functions
Jumper State Description Default