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Wideband 3190
Wideband 3190
Integrated SONET/DS3 Multiplexer for HDSL/HDSL2/HDSL4
w w w . a d c . c o m + 1 - 9 5 2 - 9 3 8 - 8 0 8 0 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 6 6 - 3 8 9 1
DS3 Multiplexer Standard Features
Supports M13 and C-Bit parity frame format
Supports extensive loopbacks on DS3 and DS1 interfaces
Flexible Time Slot Assignment (TSA) capabilities
Both in-band and out-of-band loopback control
Full 1+1 network services and card protection option
Front-panel DSX-1 test access
Non-volatile storage of all configuration data
Comprehensive Operations, Administration, Maintenance
and Provisioning (OAM&P) data
Front panel LED indicators for power, alarm
and fault monitoring
STS-1 Multiplexer Standard Features
Supports VT1.5 and VT2 SONET mapping
Supports extensive loopbacks on STS-1 and DS1 interfaces
Complete Time Slot Assignment (TSA) flexibility
Full 1+1 network services and card protection option
Non-volatile storage of all configuration data
Comprehensive Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P) data
Front panel LED indicators for power, alarm and fault monitoring
HDSL/HDSL2/HDSL4 Industry-Leading Benefits
Full-rate T1 over a single copper pair means that you can cost-effectively meet today’s demand for
voice, data and video services
Industry-standard interoperability results in cost-effective implementation and network expansion
Reach up to 12,000 ft on 24 AWG enables service to more customers
HDSL supports greater distances with a 5-span reach of up to 60 kft on 24 AWG
Systems are fully network manageable and support TL1 language
Supports communications protocols such as Telnet, RS-232 and X.25
Supports a local craft interface for provisioning and alarm reporting
Supports dry contact alarm relay monitoring systems