ADCP-50-304 • Issue 19 • June 1999 • Section 1: Introduction
Page 1-6
© 1999, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
2.2.1 PatchSwitch Chassis
The PS chassis is the standard EIA 19-inch rack mounted unit with a backplane and space for 18
modules. The early chassis (PSC-01 and PSC-02) can be identified by the six pin in-line power
connector located on the back upper left corner of the chassis. The later chassis (RDC-01 and
RDC-02) can be identified by the nine pin square power connector located on the back upper
left corner of the chassis.
The RDC-01/02 backplane consists of a printed circuit board assembly with eighteen 96-pin
connectors on the inside of the card cage and 50 D-subminiature (DB) 25-pin connectors, two
(DB) 9-pin connectors, one 20-pin dual in-line (DIN) connector and one 9-pin square connector
on the back of the board.
2.2.2 PatchSwitch Control Module (RDM-15B)
Manual operation of the PatchSwitch Control Module switches provides local control of the
switch and alarm functions. The Control Module is microprocessor-based and provides the
interfacing capabilities for both manual, dc pulse bank switching and remote control operations.
A four-position DIP switch on the Control Module encodes the chassis identification number.
Remote control devices use this number to select the PS chassis (see Table 6-1). The Control
Module is located in position 18 (slot 18) of all PatchSwitch chassis.
PSW-000002 PatchSwitch Power Supply
(9 pin in-line connector)
Dual output supply used with RDC-01/RDC-02
chassis with input power source –48 Vdc.
PSW-000003 PatchSwitch Power Supply
(9 pin in-line connector)
Dual output supply used with RDC-01/RDC-02
chassis with input power source from 90 to
240 Vac, 48-63 Hz.
PSR-06 Data Converter Module Converts signals to provide RS-232/RS-422
compatibility for remotely controlled PatchSwitch
Standard Patch Cord, 2-feet
Standard Patch Cord, 3-feet
Standard Patch Cord, 4-feet
Standard Patch Cord, 6-feet
Standard Patch Cord, 8-feet
Standard Patch Cord, 10-feet
Patch cords are 26 conductor cable with ADC
patching connectors on both ends. For use with
PSM-01, PSM-02, PSM-04, PSM-05, PSM-07,
PSM-08, PSM-12 and PSM-13.
Table 1-2. PatchSwitch Equipment, continued
(V.35 Modules are described in Section 3. X.21 Modules are described in Section 4)