Configure and View Status
44 Megabit Modem CRA-C User Manual
Table 13.
ADSL Performance Status Screen Fields
Field Meaning
Down Alarms Identifies the current alarms in the path to the subscriber.
Up Alarms Identifies the current alarms in the path from the subscriber.
System State Describes the state of the ADSL system.
Startup states:
DATA (normal operation)
HAND (handshake)
TRAIN (training transceivers for loop conditions)
WSYNC (waiting for frame synchronization)
SNR Margin (dB) Identifies the current (cur) and minimum (min) margin values
for the ADSL loop for the current 24-hour period. The SNR
margin represents the margin relative to the SNR required for
a BER of 10
. A margin greater than zero indicates a
performance better than 10
. The system provides a default
margin of 6 dB, which translates to a performance of 10
BER or better. See page 2 for information on SNR margin
and BER.
Line Attn (dB) Indicates the decrease in amplitude of the transmitted
upstream and downstream signals as measured at the ADSL
respective receivers for that channel (upstream or
24 Hour ES Indicates the total number of ES that have been detected on the
ADSL link during the previous 24-hour period.
24 Hour UAS Indicates the total number of unavailable seconds (UAS) that
have been detected on the ADSL link during the previous
24-hour period. This figure represents the amount of time that
the lines were not available for transmission since power on or
last clear.
Data Rate (kbps) Identifies the actual data rates of the ADSL link.