Augmented Category 6 Solutions
When it comes to conductor insulation properties,
nothing beats air. It has worked for ADC’s TrueNet
Category 5e and 6 cables since 2002. And it is central
to the construction of the compact, high-performance
CopperTen Augmented Category 6 cable.
CopperTen cable uses ADC’s patent-pending AirES
(Air Enhanced System) technology that combines
traditional FEP with air pockets for conductor insula-
tion. Using this superior conductor insulation, there
is simply less crosstalk between pairs. One benefit is
stronger signal strength. Another benefit is reduced twisting of pairs, providing
lower propagation delay that is so critical for zero bit errors in data communications.
Air is more than the ideal conductor
insulation. It is also a lightweight, highly
flexible and noncombustible filler material.
With AirES technology inside, the outside
diameter of CopperTen cables is an average
of 11% smaller than competitive Augmented
Category 6 cables (.295 vs. .330). AirEs cable
is proven to be lighter, more flexible, and
easier to pull and route through pathways.
You’ll achieve higher fill densities and save on
installation hours.
For ADC, the proof is in the air. The same
AirES technology in use in hundreds of
millions of installed feet of ADC Category
5e/6 cable is at work in CopperTen. That’s
proof enough.
adj. of tested or proven strength or quality
Industry Standard
4 pr. UTP Cable
Industry Standard
4 pr. UTP Cable
“AirES was the difference in bringing our
installation in on time and under budget.”
IT Director, Multinational Corporation