NOTE: If the dryer is started (the light emitting diode [L.E.D.] display indicator dots are on) and there
are no outputs (heat and/or motor output L.E.D.s are off) and the “dOOr” input L.E.D. is on,
the fault is in the Phase 5 microprocessor controller (computer) itself. If the L.E.D. display
indicators are on and the door L.E.D. input and motor/heat output L.E.D.s are on the motor
and/or heat
is not active (on), then the problem is not the door switch circuit or the Phase 5
coin microprocessor controller (computer); the problem is elsewhere in the dryer.
The L.E.D. indicator dots located at the top portion of the L.E.D. display (refer to the illustration below)
indicate the Phase 5 coin microprocessor controller (computer) output functions while a cycle is in progress.
These dots DO NOT necessarily mean that the outputs are functioning. They are only indicating that the
function (output) should be active (on).
1. Heat Circuit Indicator - indicator dot is on whenever the Phase 5 coin microprocessor controller (computer)
is calling for the heating circuit to be active (ON).
2. Motor Circuit Indicator - indicator dot is on whenever a cycle is in progress.