MS-70 / MX-50 / MF-50 / ML-50 9
The analyzer is equipped with a serial interface as standard. It can be connected to
a printer or computer.
The analyzer can calibrate the weighing sensor (Use special mass.) and drying
temperature (Use temperature calibrator for MS-70 and MX-50 except MF-50 and
ML-50). The analyzer can output the data required at GLP, GMP and ISO at the end
of the calibration.
The analyzer has a self check function that can detect function errors.
The analyzer displays the current change of moisture content per one minute [%/ min]
in real-time. It can be used for the reference to find the analyzing mode.
The sample pans included in the standard accessory can be used repeatedly.
There is a test sample that is used to check the moisture accuracy. (The test sample
is a part of standard accessory except ML-50)
The glass fiber sheets can be used to quick and precision measurement for liquid
sample. (The glass fiber sheets are a part of standard accessory except ML-50)
A reference card is built into the bottom of the analyzer.
Principle and Use
and Use and Use
and Use
The moisture analyzer, based on the principle of thermogravimetric analysis, dries a
sample using a halogen lamp and obtains the moisture content in % and other
results by the difference between the wet weight and dry weight.